Love On The Spectrum review

Published on 15 June 2021, 12:30 h

Today we are bombarded with all kinds of reality programs or dating programs such as First Dates. Some are fun to watch and others are guaranteed to make you fall asleep.

But now there is really something nice on the tube again and this time it comes from the stable of Netflix. Last month a new documentary called Love On The Spectrum was launched there.

Love On The Spectrum is a reality dating series from Australia that follows a group of singles who have autism and are looking for the love of their lives. Many people may expect it to go wrong every time, but the series shows very well that people with autism have just as many challenges as people who don’t have autism. What questions do you ask, what do you wear, does someone like me, when should I call? Questions that occupy everyone on a first date.

Love On The Spectrum follows various couples and singles. For example, we see a couple who have been in love for a long time and are moving in together for the first time and even take a nice trip along the Gold Coast. An exciting adventure in which they naturally encounter many challenges along the way. We also follow Mark, a guy who visits many a speed date event but unfortunately has not yet achieved any results. He receives help in the series from dating coach Jodi Rogers who helps him prepare and what to do in unexpected situations. We also see a couple who dare to express to each other that they have bisexual feelings. Actually, everything is covered and that makes the series very fun and varied to watch.

Love On The Spectrum gives the viewer a good idea of ​​what goes on in the ideas of someone with autism and what people encounter in daily life. However, the series also shows that someone with autism is not afraid to show his or her feelings, and that sometimes they can do that better than someone without autism.

Director Cian O’Clerly has already made several series on similar topics. He spoke with many young adults, researchers, specialists and organizations. One thing came up every time; people with autism, like everyone else, want to find the love of their life, but sometimes find it difficult to take that first step. With this series, Cian hopes to show that everyone just has to take the first step, no matter how scary or new it may be. Dating is nothing more than practice, practice, practice. Eventually you will meet your dream partner. Just hang in there!

Love On The Spectrum has only been on Netflix since July. Soon you can also see what happened to the singles and their loves after the series. Are they married? Who moved in together or who finally got lucky on a dating site. Rumor has it that even a season 2 is already in the works.

After watching the series or after reading this blog, do you also feel like taking that step? Then have a look around the Capido site without any obligation. Here are several singles who are looking just like you. You can even send each other messages or let someone know that you like them. This way you can give it a try, you are not committed to anything and who knows, maybe you will meet your dream partner at Capido. Go for it!

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